
Video Object

Vdeo Object Properties

mimesstring arrayContent MIME types supported.["video/mp4"]
mindurationintegerMinimum video ad duration in seconds.5
maxdurationintegerMaximum video ad duration in seconds.30
protocolsinteger arrayArray of supported video bid response protocols.

At least one supported protocol must be specified in either the protocol or protocols attribute.
[1, 2, 6]
wintegerWidth of the video player in pixels.320
hintegerHeight of the video player in pixels.480
startdelayintegerIndicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ad placements.1
linearityintegerIndicates if the impression must be linear, nonlinear, etc. If none specified, assume all are allowed.1
battrinteger arrayBlocked creative attributes.[1,3]
minbitrateintegerMinimum bit rate in Kbps. Exchange may set this dynamically or universally across their set of publishers.128
maxbitrateintegerMaximum bit rate in Kbps. Exchange may set this dynamically or universally across their set of publishers.512
playbackmethodinteger arrayAllowed playback methods. If none specified, assume all are allowed.[1,2,3,4]
deliveryinteger arraySupported delivery methods (e.g., streaming, progressive). If none specified, assume all are supported.[1,2]
posintegerAd position on screen.[3]
apiinteger arrayList of supported API frameworks for this impression. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported.[1,2,3,4,5]
companionadobject arrayArray of Banner objects if companion ads are available.
companiontypeinteger arraySupported VAST companion ad types. Recommended if companion Banner objects are included via the companionad array.[1]
extobjectPlaceholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB.{"videotype":"skippable"}

Video Ext Object Properties

For video Exchange server sends videotype in EXT object. For rewarded/nonskippable video it is "rewarded". For skippable video it is "skippable"

extobjectPlaceholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB.{"videotype":"rewarded"}