
Advanced Reporting

The BidMachine data report provides insights into the performance of your ads, including metrics such as ad requests, impressions, CPM, and revenue, categorized by application, and ad type levels.

You can access the data report within the Reports section of the BidMachine publisher platform. There are two types of Reporting: Ad Requests and Impressions.

Ad Request Report


  • Time
  • Ad Placement Type
  • Device OS
  • Region
  • Source Id
  • Source
  • Datacenter
  • Mediation Stack Id
  • Test Mode


  • Ad Requests
  • Unique Devices

Impressions Report


  • Time
  • Ad Size
  • Ad Type
  • Adomain
  • DSP Name
  • App Bundle
  • App Name
  • App Version
  • Bid Floor Level
  • Bid Floor Level
  • Bid Price Level
  • Bid Price Level
  • Campaign ID
  • Country


  • Impressions
  • Publisher Revenue
  • Publisher eCPM
  • Unique Devices