App Object
App Object Properties
Attribute | Type | Description | Example |
id | string | Exchange-specific app ID. | "102938" |
name | string | App name (may be aliased at the publisher’s request). | "TestApp" |
bundle | string | Application bundle or package name (e.g.,; intended to be a unique ID across exchanges. iOS will pass the app store ID, android - the package bundle | android: "" iOS: "78945611" |
domain | string | Domain of the app. | "" |
storeurl | string | App store URL for an installed app; for QAG 1.5 compliance. | "" |
cat | string array | Array of IAB content categories of the app. | ["IAB2-1", "IAB2-4"] |
sectioncat | string array | Array of IAB content categories that describe the current section of the app. | ["IAB2"] |
pagecat | string array | Array of IAB content categories that describe the current page or view of the app. | ["IAB2-1"] |
ver | string | Application version. | "1.0.3" |
privacypolicy | integer | Indicates if the app has a privacy policy, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. | 1 |
paid | integer | 0 = app is free, 1 = the app is a paid version. | 1 |
publisher | object | Details about the Publisher of the app. | |
keywords | string | Comma separated list of keywords about the app. | "automotive" |
ext | object | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. BidMachine sends sdk version, time of the session, session id, app uptime, number of impressions and clicks. | { "sdk":"2.0.0", "session_uptime":36, "session_id":56, "app_uptime":31995, "impressions_count":142,"clicks_count":27 } |
App Ext Object Properties
Attribute | Time Period | Type | Description | Example |
session_id | current session | Number | ID of the current session (1st session has ID: 1) | 42 |
session_uptime | current session | Number | Uptime of the current session is seconds | 210 |
timp | app lifetime | Object | Total impressions by ad type . Count of all ad impressions broken down by ad type for the app lifetime for all sessions | { "interstitial":1, "rewarded_video":2, "native":1, "video":2, "banner":1 } |
tclick | app lifetime | Object | Total clicks by ad type. Count of all ad clicks broken down by ad type for the app lifetime for all sessions | { "rewarded_video":1, "native":1, "video":2, "banner":1 } |
tfinish | app lifetime | Object | Total finishes by ad type. Count of all ad finishes broken down by ad type for the app lifetime for all sessions video/rewarded_video shows how much videos have been viewed till the end interstitial shows how much interstitials have been closed native shows how much native ads have been on screen for minimum 2 seconds | { "interstitial":1, "video":2, "native":1 } |
imp | current session lifetime | Object | Session impressions by ad type. Count of all ad impressions broken down by ad type for the session lifetime | { "interstitial":1, "rewarded_video":2, "native":1, "video":2, "banner":1 } |
click | current session lifetime | Object | Session clicks by ad type. Count of all ad clicks broken down by ad type for the current session lifetime | { "rewarded_video":1, "native":1, "video":2, "banner":1 } |
finish | current session lifetime | Object | Session finishes by ad type . Count of all ad finishes broken down by ad type for the current session lifetime video/rewarded_video shows how much videos have been viewed till the end interstitial shows how much interstitials have been closed native shows how much native ads have been on screen for minimum 2 seconds | { "interstitial":1, "video":2, "native":1 } |
imp_count | app lifetime | Number | Total number of impressions. iOS: Count of all ad impressions for the app lifetime for all sessions Android: Count of all ad impressions for current session | 474 |
click_count | app lifetime | Number | Total number of clicks. iOS: Count of all ad clicks for the app lifetime for all sessions Android: Count of all ad clicks for current session | 120 |
finish_count | app lifetime | Number | Total number of finishes. iOS: Count of all ad finishes for the app lifetime for all sessions Android: Count of all ad finishes for the current session video/rewarded_video shows how many videos have been viewed till the end interstitial shows how many interstitials have been closed native shows how many native ads have been on screen for at least 2 seconds 204 | |
package_name | - | String | Package name of current application | "com.appodeal.sandbox" |
app_time | app lifetime | Number | App uptime in seconds. Total uptime of the current application for the app lifetime for all sessions | 19850 |
sdk | - | String | Appodeal SDK version "2.1.0" |
"id": "6df24256-1aa1-4611-9f5c-436fcca336c0",
"imp": [{
"id": "0fbf2ab1-e901-464f-8294-d6d41e1a8fe4",
"video": {
"mimes": ["video/mp4"],
"minduration": 5,
"maxduration": 30,
"protocols": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
"w": 320,
"h": 480,
"linearity": 1,
"battr": [16],
"playbackmethod": [1, 2, 3, 4],
"delivery": [1, 2],
"api": []
"displaymanager": "appodeal",
"displaymanagerver": "2.4.0",
"instl": 1,
"tagid": "63",
"bidfloor": 15.01,
"bidfloorcur": "USD"
"app": {
"id": "7635",
"name": "Appodeal Sandbox",
"storeurl": "This app is not in store yet",
"cat": ["IAB24"],
"ver": "2.4.0",
"privacypolicy": 0,
"publisher": {
"id": "1819",
"name": "Dmitriy Usakov"
"ext": {
"device": {
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36",
"geo": {
"lat": 58.5492,
"lon": 50.0456,
"type": 2,
"country": "RUS",
"city": "Kirovo-Chepetsk",
"zip": "613044",
"utcoffset": 180
"lmt": 0,
"ip": "",
"devicetype": 4,
"make": "Apple",
"model": "x86_64",
"os": "iOS",
"osv": "11.2",
"hwv": "x86_64",
"h": 568,
"w": 320,
"ppi": 326,
"pxratio": 2.0,
"js": 1,
"connectiontype": 2,
"ifa": "9408EF57-D8DB-4B7C-A24F-50A6497154F5",
"ext": {
"battery": -100,
"rooted": "false"
"user": {
"gender": "O",
"geo": {
"lat": 58.5492,
"lon": 50.0456,
"type": 2,
"country": "RUS",
"city": "Kirovo-Chepetsk",
"zip": "613044",
"utcoffset": 180
"at": 2,
"tmax": 300,
"allimps": 0,
"cur": ["USD"],
"bcat": ["IAB-30"],
"badv": [],
"regs": {
"coppa": 0
Updated over 1 year ago