
Bid Request Specification



BidMachine Ad Exchange currently works with openRTB 2.3 and 2.5. This documentation is only valid for openRTB 2.3.

Bid Request Object Properties

idstringUnique ID of the bid request, provided by the exchange.d5260eec-75d9-4f7d-86bc-22b01b4c779e
impobject arrayArray of Imp objects representing the impressions offered.

At least 1 Imp object is required.
appobjectDetails about the publisher’s app (i.e., non-browser applications).

Only applicable and recommended for apps.
deviceobjectDetails about the user’s device to which the impression will be delivered.
userobjectDetails about the human user of the device; the advertising audience.
testinteger; default 0Indicator of test mode in which auctions are not billable, where 0 = live mode, 1 = test mode0
atinteger; default 2Auction type, where 1 = First Price, 2 = Second Price Plus. BidMachine currently supports only type 22
tmaxintegerMaximum time in milliseconds to submit a bid to avoid timeout.

This value is commonly communicated offline.
curstring arrayArray of allowed currencies for bids on this bid request using ISO-4217 alpha codes.

Recommended only if the exchange accepts multiple currencies.
bcatstring arrayBlocked advertiser categories using the IAB content categories.["IAB2-1"]
badvstring arrayBlock list of advertisers by their domains.[""]
regobjectA Regs object that specifies any industry, legal, or governmental regulations in force for this request.
sourceobjectThis object describes the nature and behavior of the entity that is the source of the bid request
upstream from the exchange.
extobjectPlaceholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB