
Source Object

Source Object Properties

fdintEntity responsible for the final impression sale decision, where
0 = exchange, 1 = upstream source.
tidstringTransaction ID that must be common across all participants in
this bid request (e.g., potentially multiple exchanges).
pchainstringPayment ID chain string containing embedded syntax
described in the TAG Payment ID Protocol v1.0.
extobjectPlaceholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB.

Source Ext Object Properties

ext object is used to provide schain info. It goes under source.ext.schain path
ext.schainobjectThis object represents both the links in the supply chain as well as an indicator whether or not the supply chain is complete.

Schain Object Properties

For more information please refer to official IAB documentation
completeintegerFlag indicating whether the chain contains all nodes involved in the transaction leading back to the owner of the site, app or other medium of the inventory, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.1
nodesobject arrayArray of SupplyChainNode objects in the order of the chain. In a complete supply chain, the first node represents the initial advertising system and seller ID involved in the transaction, i.e. the owner of the site, app, or other medium. In an incomplete supply chain, it represents the first known node. The last node represents the entity sending this bid request.
verstringVersion of the supply chain specification in use, in the format of “major.minor”. For example, for version 1.0 of the spec, use the string “1.0”."1.0"
extobjectPlaceholder for advertising-system specific extensions to this object.

Nodes Object Properties

asistringThe canonical domain name of the SSP, Exchange, Header Wrapper, etc system that bidders connect to. This may be the operational domain of the system, if that is different than the parent corporate domain, to facilitate WHOIS and reverse IP lookups to establish clear ownership of the delegate system. This should be the same value as used to identify sellers in an ads.txt file if one exists.
sidstringThe identifier associated with the seller or reseller account within the advertising system. This must contain the same value used in transactions (i.e. OpenRTB bid requests) in the field specified by the SSP/exchange. Typically, in OpenRTB, this is For OpenDirect it is typically the publisher’s organization ID.Should be limited to 64 characters in length.
ridstringThe OpenRTB RequestId of the request as issued by this seller.
namestringThe name of the company (the legal entity) that is paid for inventory transacted under the given seller_id. This value is optional and should NOT be included if it exists in the advertising system’s sellers.json file.
domainstringThe business domain name of the entity represented by this node. This value is optional and should NOT be included if it exists in the advertising system’s sellers.json file.
hpintegerIndicates whether this node will be involved in the flow of payment for the inventory. When set to 1, the advertising system in the asi field pays the seller in the sid field, who is responsible for paying the previous node in the chain. When set to 0, this node is not involved in the flow of payment for the inventory. For version 1.0 of SupplyChain, this property should always be 1. It is explicitly required to be included as it is expected that future versions of the specification will introduce non-payment handling nodes. Implementers should ensure that they support this field and propagate it onwards when constructing SupplyChain objects in bid requests sent to a downstream advertising system.
extobjectPlaceholder for advertising-system specific extensions to this object.