
Imp Object

Imp Object Properties

idstringA unique identifier for this impression within the context of the bid request

(typically, starts with 1 and increments.
bannerobjectA Banner object; required if this impression is offered as a banner ad opportunity.
videoobjectA Video object; required if this impression is offered as a video ad opportunity.
nativeobjectA Native object; required if this impression is offered as a native ad opportunity.
displaymanagerstringName of ad mediation partner, SDK technology, or player responsible for rendering ad (typically video or mobile).

Used by some ad servers to customise ad code by a partner. Recommended for video and/or apps.
displaymanagerverstringVersion of ad mediation partner, SDK technology, or player responsible for rendering ad (typically video or mobile).

Used by some ad servers to customise ad code by a partner. Recommended for video and/or apps.
default 0
1 = the ad is interstitial or full screen, 0 = not interstitial.1 or 0
tagidstringIdentifier for specific ad placement or ad tag that was used to initiate the auction.

This can be useful for debugging of any issues, or for optimisation by the buyer.
bidfloorfloat; default 0Minimum bid for this impression expressed in CPM.0.15
bidfloorcurstring; default “USD”Currency specified using ISO-4217 alpha codes.

This may be different from bid currency returned by bidder if this is allowed by the exchange.
secureintegerFlag to indicate if the impression requires secure HTTPS URL creative assets and markup,

where 0 = non-secure, 1 = secure. If omitted, the secure state is unknown, but non-secure HTTP support can be assumed.
extobjectPlaceholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB.