
Ad Ops - Google AdMob

Step 1. Creating BidMachine custom events within mediation group

Go to Google AdMob dashboard and choose mediation group where you want to create BidMachine ad sources.


Go inside chosen mediation group and start creating BidMachine custom events with the prices you want to use


Step 2. Setting up Class name and parameters for custom events

Enter the label of ad source and set up the price and click Continue


Then in the next window set up class name and class parameters according to the following table

PlatformAd TypeClass NameParameters
iOS BannerBidMachineCustomEventBanner{"bm_pf":"1.00","bm_pf_compare":"equal_or_above_pf"}
iOSRewarded VideoBidMachineCustomEventRewarded{"bm_pf":"1.00","bm_pf_compare":"equal_or_above_pf"}

Parameters description:

Parameter nameDescriptionTypeExample
bm_pfeCPM of BidMachine ad sourcedouble1.00
bm_pf_comparerule of how to compare ad source eCPM with the price of ad response.

If equal_or_above_pf - SDK will fill the ad if ad source price is equal or below the price of current ad.
Example: BM SDK responds with ad with price 5.34$
AdMob sent ad sources with eCPMs of 6.00$, 5.00$, 4.00$
6.00$ Ad source - No fill
5.00$ Ad source - Fill

If equal_pf - SDK will fill the ad if ad source price is equal the price of current ad.
Example: BM SDK responds with ad with price 5.34$
AdMob sent ad sources with eCPMs of 6.00$, 5.00$, 4.00$
6.00$ Ad source - No fill
5.00$ Ad source - No fill
4.00$ Ad source - No fill
SDK will fill the ad only if AdMob has 5.34$ ad source
values: equal_or_above_pf, equal_pf

Example of filling Class name and parameters for iOS Banner:




In parameters in "bm_pf" field - specify exactly the same price as you used for creating ad source

When you are finished with filling all needed info - click Done

Step 3. Finalising setup

You can create several ad sources within same mediation group. Once you are done with creating them - you should see final waterfall with your networks and newly created BidMachine ad sources.


If you want to change prices of created ad sources - you should not only change eCPM of it but also change "bm_pf" value in parameters of it.


Having several BidMachine custom events will not affect latency in terms of filling the ads because BM SDK will return result instantly as the ad will be fetched prior calling waterfall ad networks