
App privacy details on Google Play

Data type Data collection Remarks
Contact Info
Name No Don't collect
Email Address No Don't collect
Phone Number No Don't collect
Physical Address No Don't collect
Other User Contact Info No Don't collect
Health and Fitness
Health No Don't collect
Fitness No Don't collect
Financial Info
Payment Info No Don't collect
Credit Info No Don't collect
Other Financial Info
Don't collect
Precise Location Optional

Next ad networks can collect this data if the application allows to track location: Smaato, MyTarget

Coarse Location Optional

BidMachine SDK and the next ad networks can collect this data if the application allows to track location:  Smaato, AdColony, MyTarget

Sensitive Info
Sensitive Info No Don't collect
Contacts No Don't collect
User Content
Emails or Text Messages No Don't collect
Photos or Videos No Don't collect
Audio Data No Don't collect
Gameplay Content No Don't collect
Customer Support Yes

Next ad networks can collect this data:

  • AdColonyThis information is only collected if a user clicks on the AdChoices logo on AdColony advertising, reaches the AdColony support website, and emails our support team at [email protected]. This information is not actually collected through AdColony SDK embedded in the publisher app.
Other User Content No Don't collect
Browsing History
Browsing History No Don't collect
Search History
Search History No Don't collect
User ID No

Next ad networks can collect this data: AdColony

Device ID Yes

BidMachine SDK and ad networks can collect this data for advertising targeting.

Purchase History No

Don't collect

Usage Data
Product Interaction Yes

Next ad networks can collect this data: Smaato, AdColony

Advertising Data Yes

BidMachine SDK and ad networks can collect this data for advertising targeting. 

Other Usage Data No Don't collect
Crash Data Yes

The networks that collect this data: AdColony

Performance Data Yes

The networks that collect this data: AdColony

Other Diagnostic Data Yes

Don't collect

Other Data
Other Data Types Yes

BidMachine SDK and ad networks can also collect:

  • Technical device information (for example, device type, system configuration information such as information about End Users’ operating system, mobile browser (e.g., Firefox, Safari, and Chrome))
  • Other device information (e.g., whether users using a smartphone or tablet and related information)
  • Network information (for example, network provider)
  • Carrier user ID (a number uniquely allocated to you by your network provider)