
Device Object

Attribute Type Description Example
ua string Browser user agent string. "Mozilla\/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit\/602.3.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile\/14C89"
geo object Location of the device assumed to be the user’s current location defined by a Geo object.
dnt integer Standard “Do Not Track” flag as set in the header by the browser, where 0 = tracking is unrestricted, 1 = do not track. 0
lmt integer

“Limit Ad Tracking” signal commercially endorsed (e.g., iOS, Android),

where 0 = tracking is unrestricted, 1 = tracking must be limited per commercial guidelines.

ip string IPv4 address closest to device. ""
ipv6 string IP address closest to device as IPv6.
devicetype integer The general type of device.  4
make string Device make. "Apple"
model string Device model. "iPhone"
os string Device operating system. "iOS"
osv string Device operating system version. "10.1.3"
hmw string Hardware version of the device. "5S"
h integer Physical height of the screen in pixels. 568
w integer Physical width of the screen in pixels. 320
ppi integer Screen size as pixels per linear inch. 326
pxratio float The ratio of physical pixels to device independent pixels. 2
js integer Support for JavaScript, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. 1
language string Browser language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2. "en"
carrier string

Carrier or ISP (e.g., “VERIZON”).

“WIFI” is often used in mobile to indicate high bandwidth (e.g., video friendly vs. cellular).

connectiontype integer Network connection type. 2
ifa string ID sanctioned for advertiser use in the clear (i.e., not hashed). 382A78A3-7EA0-4D3B-9724-0231C07D0C5A
didsha1 string Hardware device ID (e.g., IMEI); hashed via SHA1. 9db9123123b7fe382df2efeeb0176d2216cff7e
didmd5 string Hardware device ID (e.g., IMEI); hashed via MD5 12f2f79bb5b7fe382df2efeeb0176da2216cff7e
dpidsha1 string Platform device ID (e.g., Android ID); hashed via SHA1 a12f1479bb5b7fe382df2efeeb0176d16cff7e
dpidmd5 string Platform device ID (e.g., Android ID); hashed via MD5. 12sff9bb5b7fe382df2efeeb0176d2216cff7e
macsha1 string MAC address of the device; hashed via SHA1. 12sff9bb5b7fe382df2efeeb0176d2216cff7e
macmd5 string MAC address of the device; hashed via MD5. 12sff9bb5b7fe382df2efeeb0176d2216cff7e
ext object Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. BidMachine sends information about battery state and info if device is rooted. {"battery":-100,"rooted":"false"}