User Object
Attribute | Type | Description | Example |
Attribute | Type | Description | Example |
id | string | Exchange-specific ID for the user. At least one of id or buyerid is recommended. | "1" |
buyerid | string |
Buyer-specific ID for the user as mapped by the exchange for the buyer. At least one of buyerid or id is recommended. |
"1" |
yob | integer | Year of birth as a 4-digit integer. | 1984 |
gender | string | Gender, where “M” = male, “F” = female, “O” = known to be other (i.e., omitted is unknown). | "O" |
keywords | string | Comma separated list of keywords, interests, or intent. | "game" |
object | Location of the user’s home base defined by a Geo object. This is not necessarily their current location. | |
object array | Additional user data. Each Data object represents a different data source. | |
ext | object array | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. | {"consent" : "1"} |
Updated over 1 year ago