
Contextual data collected by BM SDK

User Contextual Data

Note: User Level Contextual Data is defined by the SDK but can be overwritten by an App/Mediation via the SDK API

request.context.user.ext.impdepthuint32The count of impressions for a specific placement type in a given app session. Deprecated in 3.0.05
request.context.user.ext.sessiondurationuiint64The total duration of time a user has spent so far in a specific app session expressed in seconds55
request.context.user.ext.lastbundlestringThe last app bundle the user saw on the previous impression in a given session per placement type. Deprecated in 3.0.0"bundle"
request.context.user.ext.lastadomainstringThe last advertiser domain the user saw on the previous impression in a given session per placement type. Deprecated in 3.0.0"domain"
request.context.user.ext.clickratefloatThe percentage of clicks/impressions per user per placement type over a given number of impressions, where 5 represents a 5% CTRT
This only applies to Rewarded and Video placement types. Deprecated in 3.0.0
request.context.user.ext.lastclickboolAn integer value indicating if the user clicked on the last impression in a given session per placement type, where "1" = user clicked, "0" - user didn't click. Deprecated in 3.0.01
request.context.user.ext.completionratefloathe percentage of successful completions/impressions for a user per placement type for a given number of impressions, where 70 represents a 70% completion rate. Deprecated in 3.0.070

Device Contextual Data

request.context.device.ext.inputlanguagelist[string]list of user languages["DE", "US"]
request.context.device.ext.diskspacedoubleValue of available free disk space61347.0
request.context.device.ext.totaldiskdoubleValue of total disk space112221.0
request.context.device.ext.ringmuteboolA bool value describing the device sound setting during the time of the ad request.1 - yes
0 - no
request.context.device.ext.chargingboolis the device charging1 - yes
0 - no
request.context.device.ext.batterylevelfloatbattery level ## 1 - full charges## 0.1 - 10 %0 - empty
request.context.device.ext.batterysaverboolenabled battery saver or not1 - yes
0 - no
request.context.device.ext.darkmodeboolenabled dark mode or not1 - yes
0 - no
request.context.device.ext.airplanebool(Android only) enabled airplane mode or not1 - yes
0 - no
request.context.device.ext.dndbool(Android only) A bool value indicating if do not disturb setting is enabled.1 - yes
0 - no
request.context.device.ext.devicenamestringUser given name of deviceiPhone 14 Pro
request.context.device.ext.timeuiint64POSIX timestamp. Depends on device time settings.1680197719.5890589
request.context.device.ext.headsetboolA bool value indicating if the device is connected to a wired headset.1 - yes
0 - no
request.context.device.ext.headsetnamestringIdentifier of connected wireless audio headset."Headset"
request.context.device.ext.screenbrightdoubleA value in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 to represent the brightness level of the device screen.0...1
request.context.device.ext.jailbreakboolIs Jail broken1 - yes
0- no
request.context.device.ext.lastbootupuiint64Android: milliseconds since boot, including time spent in sleep.

iOS: POSIX timestamp of latest device boot with accuracy in seconds.
request.context.device.ext.totalmemuiint64Total device RAM in bytes34359738368 B
request.context.device.ext.attsint(iOS Only) A value indicating the status of app tracking authorization.0 - STKAdAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined
1 - STKAdAuthorizationStatusRestricted
2 - STKAdAuthorizationStatusDenied
3 - STKAdAuthorizationStatusAuthorized

App Contextual Data

NameTypeDescriptionExample timestamp in milliseconds of the application install (might be zero). Available since SDK timestamp in milliseconds of the first BidMachine SDK launch. Available since SDK 3.0.1 and data can be incorrect for devices which updates from older app/sdk version1.725296223359E12 only) Minimal supported Android SDK version21 runtime version1.8.20