Contextual data collected by BM SDK
User Contextual Data
Note: User Level Contextual Data is defined by the SDK but can be overwritten by an App/Mediation via the SDK API
Name | Type | Description | Example |
request.context.user.ext.impdepth | uint32 | The count of impressions for a specific placement type in a given app session. Deprecated in 3.0.0 | 5 |
request.context.user.ext.sessionduration | uiint64 | The total duration of time a user has spent so far in a specific app session expressed in seconds | 55 |
request.context.user.ext.lastbundle | string | The last app bundle the user saw on the previous impression in a given session per placement type. Deprecated in 3.0.0 | "bundle" |
request.context.user.ext.lastadomain | string | The last advertiser domain the user saw on the previous impression in a given session per placement type. Deprecated in 3.0.0 | "domain" |
request.context.user.ext.clickrate | float | The percentage of clicks/impressions per user per placement type over a given number of impressions, where 5 represents a 5% CTRT This only applies to Rewarded and Video placement types. Deprecated in 3.0.0 | 5 |
request.context.user.ext.lastclick | bool | An integer value indicating if the user clicked on the last impression in a given session per placement type, where "1" = user clicked, "0" - user didn't click. Deprecated in 3.0.0 | 1 |
request.context.user.ext.completionrate | float | he percentage of successful completions/impressions for a user per placement type for a given number of impressions, where 70 represents a 70% completion rate. Deprecated in 3.0.0 | 70 |
Device Contextual Data
Name | Type | Description | Example |
request.context.device.ext.inputlanguage | list[string] | list of user languages | ["DE", "US"] |
request.context.device.ext.diskspace | double | Value of available free disk space | 61347.0 |
request.context.device.ext.totaldisk | double | Value of total disk space | 112221.0 |
request.context.device.ext.ringmute | bool | A bool value describing the device sound setting during the time of the ad request. | 1 - yes 0 - no |
request.context.device.ext.charging | bool | is the device charging | 1 - yes 0 - no |
request.context.device.ext.batterylevel | float | battery level | ## 1 - full charges## 0.1 - 10 %0 - empty |
request.context.device.ext.batterysaver | bool | enabled battery saver or not | 1 - yes 0 - no |
request.context.device.ext.darkmode | bool | enabled dark mode or not | 1 - yes 0 - no |
request.context.device.ext.airplane | bool | (Android only) enabled airplane mode or not | 1 - yes 0 - no |
request.context.device.ext.dnd | bool | (Android only) A bool value indicating if do not disturb setting is enabled. | 1 - yes 0 - no |
request.context.device.ext.devicename | string | User given name of device | iPhone 14 Pro |
request.context.device.ext.time | uiint64 | POSIX timestamp. Depends on device time settings. | 1680197719.5890589 |
request.context.device.ext.headset | bool | A bool value indicating if the device is connected to a wired headset. | 1 - yes 0 - no |
request.context.device.ext.headsetname | string | Identifier of connected wireless audio headset. | "Headset" |
request.context.device.ext.screenbright | double | A value in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 to represent the brightness level of the device screen. | 0...1 |
request.context.device.ext.jailbreak | bool | Is Jail broken | 1 - yes 0- no |
request.context.device.ext.lastbootup | uiint64 | Android: milliseconds since boot, including time spent in sleep. iOS: POSIX timestamp of latest device boot with accuracy in seconds. | 1676623341.589673 |
request.context.device.ext.totalmem | uiint64 | Total device RAM in bytes | 34359738368 B |
request.context.device.ext.atts | int | (iOS Only) A value indicating the status of app tracking authorization. | 0 - STKAdAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined 1 - STKAdAuthorizationStatusRestricted 2 - STKAdAuthorizationStatusDenied 3 - STKAdAuthorizationStatusAuthorized |
App Contextual Data
Name | Type | Description | Example |
---|---|---|---| | uint64 | Unix timestamp in milliseconds of the application install (might be zero). Available since SDK 3.0.1 | 0.0 | | uiint64 | Unix timestamp in milliseconds of the first BidMachine SDK launch. Available since SDK 3.0.1 and data can be incorrect for devices which updates from older app/sdk version | 1.725296223359E12 | | uint32 | (Android only) Minimal supported Android SDK version | 21 | | string | Kotlin runtime version | 1.8.20 |
Updated 6 months ago