Attribute Type Description Example
id required, string Exchange-specific app ID. "102938"
name required, string App name (may be aliased at the publisher’s request). "MyApp"
bundle required, string

Application bundle or package name (e.g.,;

intended to be a unique ID across exchanges. iOS will pass the app store ID,

android - the package bundle

android: "com.appodeal.test"

iOS: "78945611"

domain optional, string Domain of the app. ""
storeurl optional, string App store URL for an installed app; for QAG 1.5 compliance. ""
cat optional, string array Array of IAB content categories of the app. 

["IAB2-1", "IAB2-4"]

sectioncat optional, string array Array of IAB content categories that describe the current section of the app. ["IAB2"]
pagecat optional, string array Array of IAB content categories that describe the current page or view of the app.  ["IAB2-1"]
ver optional, string Application version. "1.0.3"
privacypolicy optional, integer Indicates if the app has a privacy policy, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. 1
paid optional, integer 0 = app is free, 1 = the app is a paid version. 1
optional, object Details about the Publisher of the app.
keywords optional, string Comma separated list of keywords about the app. "automotive"
optional, object

Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB.