Loading native ads consists of several stages:
- Preparing your custom native ad view
- Loading BidMachine native ad
- Requesting an AdManager native ad based on the loaded BidMachine ad.
- Handling AdManager native ad request
- Showing ad
1. Preparing your custom native ad view
To display a BidMachine native ad, you need to implement a custom UIView
. The only requirement for this view is that it conforms to the BidMachineNativeAdRendering
2. Loading BidMachine native ad
The first step is to load the native ad from BidMachine.
BidMachineSdk.shared.native { [weak self] nativeAd, error in
guard error == nil else {
// handle error
self?.bidMachineNativeAd = nativeAd
self?.bidMachineNativeAd?.controller = self
self?.bidMachineNativeAd?.delegate = self
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
[BidMachineSdk.shared native:nil :^(BidMachineNative *native, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
// handle error
weakSelf.bidMachineNativeAd = native;
weakSelf.bidMachineNativeAd.controller = weakSelf;
weakSelf.bidMachineNativeAd.delegate = weakSelf;
[weakSelf.bidMachineNativeAd loadAd];
3. Requesting an AdManager native ad
After successfully loading the ad, you need to make a GAM request with BidMachine ad parameters.
GAM request parameters (customTargeting) must include the BidMachine ad price in the x.xx format.
let priceFormatter: NumberFormatter = {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
formatter.roundingMode = .ceiling
formatter.positiveFormat = "0.00"
return formatter
// MARK: BidMachineAdDelegate
extension NativeAdPresentingViewController: BidMachineAdDelegate {
public func didLoadAd(_ ad: BidMachineAdProtocol) {
let request = GAMRequest()
if let price = priceFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: ad.auctionInfo.price)) {
request.customTargeting = ["bm_pf": price]
self.adLoader = GADAdLoader(
adUnitID: "your_ad_unit_id",
rootViewController: self,
adTypes: [.native],
options: nil
self.adLoader.delegate = self
- (NSNumberFormatter *)formatter {
static NSNumberFormatter *roundingFormater = nil;
if (!roundingFormater) {
roundingFormater = [NSNumberFormatter new];
roundingFormater.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
roundingFormater.locale = [NSLocale localeWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US_POSIX"];
roundingFormater.roundingMode = NSNumberFormatterRoundCeiling;
roundingFormater.positiveFormat = @"0.00";
return roundingFormater;
#pragma mark - BidMachineAdDelegate
- (void)didLoadAd:(id<BidMachineAdProtocol> _Nonnull)ad {
GAMRequest *googleRequest = [GAMRequest request];
NSString *price = [self.formatter stringFromNumber:@(ad.auctionInfo.price)];
googleRequest.customTargeting = @{ @"bm_pf" : price };
self.adLoader = [
[GADAdLoader alloc]
adTypes:@[ GADAdLoaderAdTypeNative ]
self.adLoader.delegate = self;
[self.adLoader loadRequest:googleRequest];
4. Handling AdManager native ad request
After the GAM request, wait for one of the delegate methods to be triggered. If the Ad Manager native ad is loaded successfully, add an extra check in the didReceiveNativeAd
method of GADNativeAdLoaderDelegate
to determine whether BidMachine has won or lost the mediation. Additionally, call notifyMediationWin
or notifyMediationLoss
on the BidMachineSdk.shared
instance when BidMachine wins or loses the mediation.
// MARK: GADNativeAdLoaderDelegate
extension NativeAdPresentingViewController: GADNativeAdLoaderDelegate {
public func adLoader(_ adLoader: GADAdLoader, didReceive nativeAd: GADNativeAd) {
let bidMachineWon = nativeAd.advertiser == "bidmachine"
if bidMachineWon {
} else {
BidMachineSdk.shared.notifyMediationLoss("", 0.0, self.bidMachineNativeAd)
self.bidMachineNativeAd = nil
self.googleNativeAd = nativeAd
#pragma mark - Helper
- (BOOL)isBidMachineAd:(GADNativeAd *)nativeAd {
if (!nativeAd.advertiser) {
return NO;
return [nativeAd.advertiser isEqualToString:@"bidmachine"];
#pragma mark - GADNativeAdLoaderDelegate
- (void)adLoader:(GADAdLoader *)adLoader didReceiveNativeAd:(GADNativeAd *)nativeAd {
BOOL bidMachineWon = [self isBidMachineAd:nativeAd];
if (bidMachineWon) {
[BidMachineSdk.shared notifyMediationWin:self.bidMachineNativeAd];
} else {
[BidMachineSdk.shared notifyMediationLoss:@"" ecpm:0.0 ad:self.bidMachineNativeAd];
self.bidMachineNativeAd = nil;
self.googleNativeAd = nativeAd;
5. Show native ad
Depending on the mediation results (whether BidMachine won or lost), you should determine which ad to display.
BidMachine won π₯
Donβt forget to check if the ad can be displayed by calling
on theBidMachineNative
instance before attempting to show it.
In the code snippet below, NativeAdView
is a possible name for your custom ad view
func showBidMachineAd() {
guard let bidMachineNativeAd, bidMachineNativeAd.canShow else {
let adView = NativeAdView()
bidMachineNativeAd.controller = self
do {
try bidMachineNativeAd.presentAd(self.adContainer, adView)
} catch let error {
// handle error
- (void)showBidMachineAd {
if !(self.bidMachineNativeAd.canShow) {
NativeAdView *adView = [NativeAdView new];
NSError *error;
self.bidMachineNativeAd.controller = self;
[self.bidMachineNativeAd presentAd:self.adContainer :adView error:&error];
if (error) {
[self layoutBidMachineAdView: adView];
AdManager won
func showAdManagerNativeAd() {
let googleAdView = GADNativeAdView()
googleAdView.nativeAd = self.googleNativeAd
- (void)showAdManagerNativeAd {
GADNativeAdView* googleAdView = [GADNativeAdView new];
googleAdView.nativeAd = self.googleNativeAd;
// Set up GADNativeAdView following the instructions at:
[self layoutAdManagerAdView: googleAdView];
Sample App
You can find a sample app with Ad Manager integration here:: github
Updated 5 months ago