Attribute Type description Example
w integer

Width of the impression in pixels. If neither wmin nor wmax are specified, this value is an exact width requirement.

Otherwise it is a preferred width.

h integer

Height of the impression in pixels. If neither hmin nor hmax are specified, this value is an exact height requirement.

Otherwise it is a preferred height.

wmax integer

Maximum width of the impression in pixels.

If included along with a w value then w should be interpreted as a recommended or preferred width.

hmax integer

Maximum height of the impression in pixels.

If included along with an h value then h should be interpreted as a recommended or preferred height.

wmin integer

Minimum width of the impression in pixels.

If included along with a w value then w should be interpreted as a recommended or preferred width.

hmin integer

Minimum height of the impression in pixels.

If included along with an h value then h should be interpreted as a recommended or preferred height.

id string

Unique identifier for this banner object.

Recommended when Banner objects are used with a Video object to represent an array of companion ads.

Values usually start at 1 and increase with each object; should be unique within an impression.

btype integer array Blocked banner ad types.


battr integer array

Blocked creative attributes. Appodeal currently blocks followind ad types: "Expandable (User Initiated - Rollover)";

"Pop (e.g., Over, Under, or Upon Exit)"; "Provocative or Suggestive Imagery"; "Shaky, Flashing, Flickering, Extreme Animation, Smileys";

"Windows Dialog or Alert Style"

integer Ad position on screen. 5
mimes string array

Content MIME types supported.

Appodeal supports: “image/png”, “image/jpg”, and “image/gif”.

topframe integer Indicates if the banner is in the top frame as opposed to an iframe, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. 1
api integer array

List of supported API frameworks for this impression.

If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported.
